Mi loft en Coruscant

Mi loft en Coruscant

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009


De todas las formas en que me apetecía ver a Placebo este verano, me va a tocar la que menos me apetece, esto es, de manera gratuita, aquí en Cartagena y con Amaral y Second de acompañamiento. Con mucha diferencia, lo peor es lo de la gratuidad, y que hayan incluido a Amaral, con lo que podemos esperar multitudes ingentes de todo tipo de perfiles humanos entorpeciendo el buen discurrir del evento. Aquí os dejo la información, y mientras tanto, os pongo tambien la canción que más me gusta del Battle for the sun, su último album. (Con las letricas y todo debajo para poder cantar delante del espejo)
They're picking up pieces of me
While they're picking up pieces of you
In a bag you will be before the day is over
Were you looking for somewhere to be?
Were you looking for someone to do?
Stupid me to believe that I could trust in stupid you
And on the back of my hand
Were directions I could understand
Now that old buzzer Johnnie Walker
Has gone and ruined all our plans
Our best made plans
Don't leave me here to pass for time
Without a map or road sign
Don't leave me here my guiding light
'Cause I, I...Wouldn't know where to begin
I ask the Kings of Medicine
They're picking up pieces of me
While they're picking up pieces of you
Lying on ice you will be before the day is over
So case and point may be
That you never thought it through
Stupid me to believe I could depend on stupid you
And on the tip of my tongue
Were words that always came out wrong
'Cause they were drowned in Southern Comfort
And left to dry out in the sun
The noon day sun
Don't leave me here to pass for time
Without a map or road sign
Don't leave me here my guiding light
'Cause I, I...Wouldn't know where to begin
I ask the Kings of Medicine
But it seems they've lost their powers
Now all I'm left with is the hours
Don't leave me here to pass for time
Without a map or road sign
Don't leave me here my guiding light
'Cause I, I...Wouldn't know where to begin
I ask the Kings of Medicine
But it seems they've lost their powers
Now all I'm left with is the hours
Don't leave me here
Don't leave me here
Oh noI wouldn't know where to begin

2 comentarios:

mogkumo dijo...

Áquí están el sábado, pero todavía no se si iré.. que tuvieron una época que me gustaban (un poco, como para comprarme algún single) pero ya no mucho.
Igual si me lío la manta a la cabeza y por ver a fischerspooner, voy.

senisero, mi senisero

Skywalker dijo...

Joder... los fischer y Placebo... porqué no me mandas un paquete bomba si lo que quieres es hacerme daño en lo má profundo???